
TWP is committed to investing in the organizations that empower communities, elevate equal opportunities for women and girls, provide relief during times of humanitarian crises, and combat all forms of hate and discrimination. Below is a selection of grant partners.

Room to Read

Many of the world’s problems can be solved through education. A safer, healthier, more equitable and prosperous world all begins with education. Room to Read is committed to creating a world free from illiteracy and gender inequality. Through its innovative model focused on systemic transformation in early and secondary education, more than 39 million children worldwide have benefited from a quality education through Room to Read’s literacy and girls’ education programming since 2000.

Photo courtesy of Room to Read

Partners In Health

Partners In Health (PIH) is a nonprofit global health organization that fights injustice by bringing the benefits of modern medical science to the most vulnerable communities in the world. As of today, PIH runs programs in 11 countries, where it provides direct care to millions of patients through public facilities and community engagement.

Photo credit: Zack DeClerck / PIH

International Rescue Committee

Since the International Rescue Committee (IRC) was first founded at the request of Albert Einstein in 1933, a global team of more than 17,000 staff have helped people upended by conflict and crisis to survive, recover, and regain control of their lives. Today IRC works in more than 50 countries and over 25 U.S. and European cities, from conflict-affected countries like Yemen to resettlement communities like Boise, Idaho. 

IRC focuses their support in five areas: ensuring safety from harm, improving health, increasing access to education, improving economic wellbeing, and ensuring people have the power to influence decisions that affect their lives. In all of IRC’s programming, they address the unique needs of women and girls (who represent the majority of those displaced) and the barriers to progress everywhere they work.

Photo credit: Noory Taha / IRC


CAMFED is a pan-African, grassroots-led movement tackling poverty, inequality, and injustice through girls’ education and women’s leadership. CAMFED’s focus is on vulnerable girls and young women in rural areas of Africa. This is where girls face acute disadvantage, and where unlocking their power will have a transformative impact.

Photo credit: Eliza Powell / CAMFED